
Code of Ethics

British Columbia Economic Development Association Basic Code of Ethics

The British Columbia Economic Development Association (BCEDA) has implemented a Code of Ethics to uphold the highest ethical standards among professionals engaged in economic development. This code serves as a guiding framework for BCEDA members and ensures their conduct aligns with the principles of integrity, professionalism, and accountability. BCEDA maintains a robust enforcement process to address any violations of these ethics, treating them with utmost seriousness.

To oversee the enforcement of the Code of Ethics, BCEDA has established a dedicated sub-committee. This committee assumes the responsibility of thoroughly reviewing reported violations and recommends appropriate actions to the Board of Directors. The sub-committee's recommendations are crucial in determining the necessary steps to be taken to address the breach and maintain the integrity of the profession.

BCEDA is committed to upholding the Code of Ethics and ensuring that its members adhere to the highest ethical standards in their economic development practices. By maintaining a strong enforcement process and actively addressing any violations, BCEDA aims to foster a professional environment characterized by trust, credibility, and responsible conduct. 

  1. Professional economic developers shall carry out their responsibilities in a manner which brings respect to the profession, the economic developer and the economic developer's constituencies.
  2. Professional economic developers shall practice with integrity, honesty and adherence to the trust placed in them both in fact and in appearance.
  3. Professional economic developers will hold themselves free of any interest, influence, or relationship in respect to any professional activity when dealing with clients which could impair professional judgement or objectivity or which in the reasonable view of the observer, has that effect.
  4. Professional economic developers shall be mindful that they are representatives of the community and need to represent the overall community interest.
  5. Professional economic developers shall keep the community, elected officials, boards and other stakeholders informed about the progress and efforts of the area's economic development program.
  6. Professional economic developers shall maintain in confidence the affairs of any client, colleague or organization and shall not disclose confidential information obtained in the course of professional activities.
  7. Professional economic developers shall openly share information with the governing body according to protocols established by that body. Such protocols shall be disclosed to clients and the public.
  8. Professional economic developers shall cooperate with peers to the betterment of economic development technique, ability, and practice, and to strive to perfect themselves in their professional abilities through training and educational opportunities.
  9. Professional economic developers shall assure that all economic development activities are conducted with equality of opportunity for all segments of the community without regard to race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, ethnic or national origin, political affiliation, disability, age, marital status, or socioeconomic status.
  10. Professional economic developers shall abide by the principles established in this code and comply with the rules of professional conduct as promulgated by BCEDA.
  11. Professional economic developers and anyone else participating in BCEDA events and programs shall abide by the BCEDA Bullying, Harassment and Sexual Harassment Policy as described in Appendix A.


Click here to download a hard copy of the Code of Ethics and Violations Policy Manual